Version History

Version 1.81

Added ability to set a custom name for the output help file.
The Define Output Path field is moved to the Paths tab at the project options.
Fixed problem with pasting text from some text processors. The text could be recognized as a metafile.
Fixed unpleasant behavior of some color selectors, which could result in incorrect saving of the selected color value.

Version 1.8

New improved WinHelp and HTML Help engines.
Added powerful Auto Correct system that lets you be sure that change of key settings (e.g. change of topic IDs, window names, etc) will not lead to broken links, macros and other objects of your help system.
Improved text search and replace engine (ability to search for specified text in all help topics).
Creating and editing styles for HTML links is now possible.
Added custom text layouts for quick applying font attributes in the text editor.
Specifying windows in topic links and Segmented Hyper Graphics is now possible in HTML Help.
Added ability to insert pictures from the Clipboard (effective for inserting screenshots).
Added support of .png files in HTML Help.
New topic Status property added.
Added ability to define the Left and Top margins for HTML Help topics.
Added ability to renumber a specified range of topic IDs.
Added insertion of HTML code to the text of help topics (HTML Help only).
Added ability to define a frame for URL links (HTML Help only).
HTML Help A-Keywords can be edited in the Index Editor as well as WinHelp A-Keywords.
Adding link files to a WinHelp project is now possible.
Integrated Project Convert Wizard.
Added Report for viewing results and searching errors.
The topic list is saved to a text file in more convenient format.
Added ability to run the help file from the selected topic, not from the start.
Correct working without administrative rights (Windows NT/XP).
Improved user interface.

Version 1.71

Fixed problems with calling HTML Help topics from applications.
Added ability to convert HTML Help topics to text pop-ups.
Changed several reiterative shortcuts in the menu and new ones assigned to some commands.
Added support of the Insert, Delete and Alt+Enter hot keys allowing to add, remove and edit items in the topic list, window list and contents editor.

Version 1.7

Added ability to create popup links in HTML Help.
Creating external links (to .hlp files) from HTML Help is now also possible.
New possibilities for using Segmented Hyper Graphics (.shg) in HTML Help.
Added support of some WinHelp macros in HTML Help.
Added support of browse groups for HTML Help.
Added support of relative paths.
Added sort of the topic list.
New project options allowing to define the default help topic.
Create Browse Groups options is added to the Project menu.
Close All command is added to the File menu.
Minor bugs fixed.

Version 1.63

Added possibility to define default font for the text of a new topic.
Fixed some problems with fonts in HTML Help.
Minor bugs fixed.

Version 1.62

Fixed bug with opening text for a topic from a .rtf file having default formatting.
Fixed several bugs in the plug-in system.
A minor bug fixed.

Version 1.61

Fixed bugs when saving help projects written in some languages.

Version 1.6

Added possibility of translating the program to other languages.

Version 1.5

Added support of HTML Help format.
New possibility of working with several projects simultaneously (multi-file mode).
The built-in plug-in system is completely remade.
Fixed problems with fonts under Windows 2000.
Added ability to edit tag properties.
Added choice of a language for a help file, what is necessary for the help compiler.
Added the A-Keyword topic property and ability to edit it in the Index Editor.
Added several macros to the Macro Editor.
The dialog of inserting graphics files now displays them proportionally.
The toolbars now correctly save their size and position.
Changed the file extension from .hmp to .hds.
Minor bugs fixed.

Version 1.4b

Fixed changes of text colors under Windows 2000.
Fixed incorrect location of topics in the browse groups after compiling.
Minor bugs fixed.

Version 1.3b

Fixed generation of wrong names for help files when the path has a folder with an extension.
Added the possibility to set a default font for the caption of a new topic.
Minor bugs fixed.

Version 1.2b

Speed of processing help topics is greatly increased.
Added a new Citation project option.
Minor bugs fixed.

Version 1.1b

Fixed problems under Windows NT.
Added ability to define buttons for a window.
Fixed working of the browse buttons after editing browse groups and recompiling the help file.
Minor bugs fixed.

Version 1.0b

Initial release.